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Aerospace Education

Aerospace Education is one of the Civil Air Patrols three primary missions. Your Group 5 Aerospace Officer is Major Geoff Knauth, email:

  Enter your monthly Aerospace Education reports here.

Internal Aerospace Education

External Aerospace Education

AE Activity and AE Plan of Action (POA)

  • Log into eServices, select Aerospace Education,

  • AE Squadron Activity

    • Select Squadron Activity Submission (for current year * what you just completed)

    • Complete the questionnaire

    • Hit Submit

  • AE Squadron POA

    • Select Squadron POA Submission (for upcoming year * what is your plan of attack for next year)

    • Complete the questionnaire

    • Hit Submit

  • Due to Group by 15 October

  • Due to Wing by 15 November


  • For information on how to register your team for free or how to download your free training material, please click here.

Air Shows and Festivals

  • To find an Air Show near you, click here.

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